3199-73 Ejimamachi, Tosu, Saga 841-0073, Japan

Legal Business Name : MindMingle Online

3199-73 Ejimamachi, Tosu, Saga 841-0073, Japan

In-depth Cookie Information

Cookie Notice Explanation: This notice outlines the types of cookies and similar tracking technologies we use on our digital platforms, including our websites and apps. It describes how these cookies function, their purposes, and how you can control their use on your devices.

- 1 - How does our site use cookies?

We use cookies to make our website easier to use and to make the content you see more relevant. Cookies allow us to record important information about your visit and this helps us to make the website better for you, and for other visitors.

We also use cookies to create statistics that help us improve the structure and content of our website. We cannot identify you personally from this information.

- 2 - Cookies and Pixel Technologies

Our retargeting campaigns use cookies and smart pixels to more effectively target advertisements through our partners.

- 3 - How to Handle and Disable Cookies

You may choose to set your web browser to not accept cookies. If you choose to reject cookies, certain parts of the System may not function properly or as intended by us.

Some of the areas of our System may contain electronic images known as web beacons (sometimes known as clear gifs) that allow the organization, and its third-party providers or affiliates, to count and track users who have visited certain portions of our System.

- 4 - Additional Regulations

Privacy Practices Insight

Visit our Privacy Policy page for an in-depth view of how we manage, use, store, and disclose your personal information. If you have concerns about your data or wish to access it, please contact our Privacy Officer via the provided email address.

- 5 - Amendments to Our Cookie Management Approach

We occasionally update this Cookies Policy to better reflect the latest changes in our operational practices or in response to evolving legal and regulatory requirements. We encourage you to regularly review this policy to stay informed of the most recent developments.